is dedicated to showing people how to stop sleep paralysis experiences, as well as prevent them from coming back. Despite what traditional medicine says, this common but terrifying affliction is easily curable. We hope to provide all the information you will need to do this on this site, but if you have more questions about how to stop sleep paralysis, or need individual help, you can email us.
Podcast: Download mp3 here Hey everyone! I am excited to say that I finally finished my book about sleep paralysis. All in all it’s been several years in the making, and I couldn’t be more excited about how it turned out. I have released it for free in many forms on the new website (posts,…
download mp3 This is a short segment from my book about sleep paralysis about sexual encounters with demons during sleep paralysis.
download mp3 This is a segment from my book on Sleep Paralysis about demonic dreams and their relationship to sleep paralysis.
How to Stop Sleep Paralysis