You may have guessed by now that hallucinatory sleep paralysis is caused by demonic presence in the room (sleep paralysis demons).

There is some good news and bad news about this. The bad news is that sleep paralysis demons are smart and deceptive and very evil; the good news is that there is a way turn the tables on them and to make them the victims of your next encounter as well as to end it for good.

Sleep Paralysis Demons: Causes

If you have been researching possible causes of sleep paralysis demons from a western medical perspective, you have found that everyone seems to be guessing, and that no two answers are alike, I will tell you from my experience what the real causes of sleep paralysis demons are. A list of a few of the common causes:-

Sleep Paralysis Demons

1. The most common that I have dealt with is people that have in some way been involved with various levels, even very light level occult practices. Such as Ouiji boards, tarot cards, certain types of meditation, channeling, even obsessive research about the occult or UFOs can be the cause for some people.

Generally, the deeper the person goes into the occult, the more “doors” that they open, and the more authority the demons gain over them, which can lead to severe physical attacks and even abductions. It is important to realize that the demons gain more authority over you; the deeper you go that is why they have an interest in a person becoming more active in the occult.

2. Another cause of hallucinatory sleep paralysis is some form of a generational “door” that has been opened for the person, usually by a parent or grandparent; most often, when a grandfather had been involved in high level Masonic or other rituals. This can also happen if the parents or grandparents were involved with the occult on a pretty heavy level. This is usually the issue with people who have had sleep paralysis since they were very young.

3. Another more rare possibility is that there is a highly demonized object in the room. I know it sounds weird but objects can be given demonic “attachment” in certain rituals. This can be crystals, books, or statues. Really just about anything can be demonized, even if the person that is attaching the demonic presence thinks that they are only attaching “energy” or something else. As I have said, it is more rare but it is still possible.

4. There are a few other very rare possibilities but I am already sounding crazy enough as it is and I’m running out of time. So if you don’t fall into any of these categories email at help [at] and we will try to help you.

Hallucinatory Sleep Paralysis Demons and Astral Projection

Hallucinatory sleep paralysis is often tied to astral projection or leaving your body because they are done the same way that is through the help of demonic presence. Even though the people that are usually doing it are deceived into thinking that they are doing it on their own. That is why it is so easy to leave your body during these episodes, because the source of the ability is in the room with you.

You will find many people tell others to embrace this ability when they are having sleep paralysis demons episodes. Please don’t listen to them as it is extremely unwise and will cause more and more severe sleep paralysis episodes down the line.

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