Sleep Paralysis Stories – Part 2

Categories: Blog

I decided to go though some of my old emails and get a few stories of people that have had success over sleep paralysis. I think I am going to try publish a lot more of these, because the testimonies are the real test of the validity of our claims.

I will also publish these in the stories section.

If you have a story you would like to share, please tell us about it in the comments section below or in the main stories section.

I am writing you to thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening my eyes and helping me to understand what has been happening to me my whole life. A few month’s ago I came across one of your videos on the internet called “The Truth About Sleep Paralysis”.  I have had several “out-of-body experiences” in my life, starting at the age of 13 (I am now 47), which led me to explore the occult world.  As a seeker of “the truth”, I have read hundreds of books on the subject, which lead me down many wrong paths.  The out-of-body experiences eventually became sinister, and, because I didn’t have God in my life, I really didn’t know what was happening to me.  On one of the occasions, I called out the name of Jesus because I could not get back into my body and was being “pulled” by something I could sense was pure evil. This worked at the time, and I was able to get back into my body.  But, because I did not have God in my life or go to church at the time, I did not give God credit for helping me, and I continued to look for the answers in all of the wrong places using my own efforts.  Over the years, I had developed a small library of “new-age” books, alien abduction books, and book written by such people as Tsarion, Maxwell, Sitchin, Icke, etc., all in the effort to learn “the Truth”.  However, all they ever seemed to do was terrify me and make me feel over-powered and hopeless about the events taking place in the world.  Then one day a few months ago, I came across your video on sleep paralysis.  Shortly afterwards, I had the beginnings of another out-of-body experience, where I felt I was being “pulled” by several “demons”. This time I called out the name of Jesus and I was released by the demons.  After listening to your videos, I now know what has been plaquing me my whole life.  Thanks to you (and Jesus), I am finally going in the right direction and trying to establish a true relationship with Jesus.  I threw away all of my books on the occult (which costs hundreds of dollars) because I didn’t want to even give them away to anyone lest they become lost as well. I prayed to God to help me and my family to find a church that is representative of His Word, and now my family and I have started going to a good church where we can learn more about the Bible and its teachings. I am even considering writing a book about my experiences in the hope that I can help others realize what “sleep paralysis” and out-of-body and alien abduction expereriences really are so that they can seek out the power of Jesus in stopping these satanic experiences for good. Again, I can’t help but thank you enough.  You have helped me more than you could ever know. I now see the world in a different light and I just thank God that He has kept me alive this long to realize Him.  God bless you and please don’t stop doing what you are doing. You are truly one’s of God’s instruments.

– Diana

Apparently even after my Mother’s experience with me she still embraced many occultic practices as did some of my siblings. My first memory of spiritual warfare when I was about 8 in bed with the lights off. I knew I was not alone and could make out a demon in the upper left corner of the ceiling watching me – as I sat there I thought “I am just 8 years old, that is just my imagination, I am just a kid” but then I thought even if it was just my imagination it was not of the Lord God and was not what He intended for me. So I said get out of here in the name of Jesus and instantly it was gone, I do not remember it returning. The appearance was intensely grotesque, similar to a gargoyle. The reason for this letter is the other night, 36 years later, I was sleeping on a couch next to a window. During the night I found myself enveloped in what felt like an intense static charge, I could not move. I struggled with all my might and could not even move my head, arms – nothing. This is an experience that I cannot ever remember having – ever. I have had dreams where I called on the Lord in situations and was victorious but this is the first ever “sleep paralysis” experience that I remember. As I tried to struggle I realized that I was enveloped in a field of some type and then either in my mind or a bit out of my body I could see my body with a reddish electric type charge around it, I was rigid about a foot above the couch and looking at my body I followed a red laser like beam of light to about two feet outside the window where a creature was pointing something from which the light and charge had captured me. It was then I realized I was actually being held by a demon even though his appearance at that moment was quite like the typical alien so widely described. I just knew he was attempting to bring me through the window and I knew he was a demon not the alien he was portraying. Before I saw him I had struggled against the paralysis saying, screaming, in my mind, something like please help me God, please help me Lord God it was after this intense struggle and me saying that when I was shown what was happening. Then I called out help me Jesus and immediately the field was broken, the demon gone and I was free to move.  I have always thought these little liars were demons rather than “aliens”, I have always known who the enemy is – and I firmly expect a great reveal soon, maybe even this summer – a great deception that would lead many “Christians” astray.

The reason I am writing is I came across some of your video links on sleep paralysis and I remembered listening to you last fall. Be encouraged, all power is indeed in the name of Jesus the living Christ for those who place their trust in Him. I think we are in for an incredible unfolding of great and terrible things over the next few months and years – but I know without a doubt that the Lord God will provide for and protect His children. Faith in the Lord God and His Son Jesus the living Christ is never misplaced.

– Bob

Ok so I was listening to ziggys podcast a few months back and he mentioned orgone generators and he had bought one and how they make you feel better.

So I got one off of thinking if it improves my somewhat frail health It would be great!

The first night I had it in my room I had sleep paralysis and a demonic attack. I am not joking, I could hear this demon screaming at me in my room and I shouted “In Jesus name go back to hell” and It got realy angry and faded away.

The next week was really horrid I just couldnt get a wink of sleep and had sleep paralysis and demons in my room.

It took me a while to make (I asume) the connection – I checked the orgone generator and its was “blessed by a reichi priest”

So I put it in the other room and I can sleep fine.

– Luke

Okay, so I have suffered from sleep paralysis a few times before and after I got saved.  The times I experienced demonic entities around me happened after I got saved which is strange to me.  This kept happening frequently for years and at first it was just an inability to move and I would struggle to move any part of my body (eyes, legs etc.)   After a few minutes I would finally wake up.  I told my mom and a couple of friends about this and asked if it has happened to them and they all said yes.  We didn’t think anything more about it and never discussed it again.

Then, Spring/Early Summer 1995 I was taking a nap during the late afternoon and I could not move my body at all.  I was completely awake and struggling to move my eyes, legs, anything but nothing worked.  I then felt something extremely heavy on my chest.  It felt like someone sitting on me and I felt a horrible evil presense and could feel the hot breath of this evil presense sitting on my chest.  I felt like I was going to sufficate.  I being screaming (in my head) HELP….and then finally I started saying the Lord’s Prayer.  As I began to say this prayer I was slowly able to move my lips, then my eyes and my whole body and the evil presense dissappeared.  I was majorly freaked out and didn’t tell anyone for years lest they think I’m nuts.  I was planning on moving across country and thought maybe my fear of moving or something else was the root cause?

Since then I have had a few more experiences.  A couple of years ago I fell asleep on the couch and I woke up in the middle of the night unable to move and I felt the hot breath of something breathing in my ear.  The presense felt evil too.  I immediately called for Jesus to help me and kept saying “The blood of Jesus, The blood of the Lamb” and it immediately went away.

I’m convinced that these experiences are caused by demonic beings.  I have since asked other people including family members if they’ve ever had this experience with the heavy pressure on the chest and the sense that evil was around them and they’ve all said YES!!!!  Wow…..I think this is happening to more people than we can imagine.  Alot of people, like myself, are probably afraid to talk about it because they don’t want to seem nuts or like a religious freak (if they are a Christian).

Okay, I hope in sharing this story it will help someone who is being approached by these demons.  Call on the name of Jesus…..plead the blood of Jesus when it happens and it totally works.  The demons RUN!!!!

– Kathleen

I have told people of similiar experiences to the ones in your sleep paralysis video, after all this time I am relieved to see there is someone who knows the truth about this.. I was tortured in my sleep many times as a child, and even woke up to what appeared to be a gnome in my room, his face glowed like the moon , I was paralyzed, tried to scream,. I WAS NOT ASLEEP. I was raised in a church but never put the two together, later someone told me it was just projection and I learned to banish these beings, and to fly like superman, I thought it was really neat at the time. Years later after pulling away from church and God I found myself dreaming one night, then realized it was lucid and I could fly, things were fine until a little being, very similar to one drawn by Aliester Crowley, was standing there looking at me, its face was rotting off, for no reason at all, it began to say some filthy nasty things about Christ, this shocked me, even though I wasn’t doing right by the LORD I respected his name, I felt so much fear, but began saying I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ Satan be gone, and it left.
That was the last lucid, astral, demonic dream I have ever had, about 8 years ago.

– Marcus

watched your videos on sleep paralysis, I can tell you I did not know what it was called till today. I had what you and others have called Sleep paralysis from the age of 12 to 21 I am age 41 now. I started playing with the occult at the age of 12 first with the Ouija board and then latter with reading occult books, but I know that it started when I used Ouija board. For years I would wake with the dark shadow like figures in my room and it was scary but became normal to me. At the age of 21 I accepted Jesus and became born again, I did not notice right away that the figures where gone since it was not a every night thing to see the demonic realm. But After 3 months of being saved I knew they where gone. It was not till I was watching a Christian T.V. show in the 90’s that a Christian guy had the same thing that I seen and it went away when he got saved they did not call it sleep paralysis on the show.

– Zoom

Thank you very much
I have sleep paralysis, and since for a long time I had thought they were daemons, but well no one believe me, and every time this daemons attack me in my dreams I just pray and I ask Jesus to help me and the daemons go away and cant touch me
And well, I had never been in any kind of cult, but sadly my mother and my brother are, they believe in Wicca and in karma and esoteric witchcraft, and it is really scary, my mother doesn’t live with me, but my worst sleep paralysis where when I was staying with her, but my brother use to live with me and ooh…he also believes in all this stuff, but its way more darker, first of all he thinks he is a re incarnated Mayan priest…yea I know…but when I went to his room, My God! I was so scared, he had this altar, but with a skeleton and this images of daemons =S I started to pray and the feeling in that room was empty cold…horrible


I sent you an Email about Five months ago ( Dec/Jan).  You
sent me a great, personal audio message that explained my issues with sleep
paralysis well.  Since then I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and
Savior! Thank you for helping me find God; I also have been sleep paralysis

– Zach

.I was the guy that was being pinned by demons???( probably the 100th )Anyways I was going through the sleep paralysis and the last one I had was scary but it is finally over. I was pinned and I remembered you saying to rebuke the demons in Jesus name…the crazy thing is they would not let me say his name…I was not only pinned but it this time it was like bugs all over my head/face…I could hear them and as weird as it sounds I could sense their enjoyment by torturing me…no matter how scary/creepy it was I just kept trying to say the lords name and they still wouldn’t let me…when it finally came out I immediately woke up and could hear the echo in the room (I must have screamed loud)and I knew I had the power to stop it.

– atb1

I have never heard of sleep paralysis untill today nor did I know thats what I had.

I am A starting apologist and Had suffered from this for a while (It got worse as I started studying the occult). They all were the same way, I would hear demonic voices and weird loud rumbling in my head and I could feel the presence of them and I Knew what they were. Everything was spinning and shaking from what I could see and I couldn’t Move. I stated shouting “In the name of Jesus christ I rebuke you demon” and after the third shout the demons left me alone and I awoke.

– onetruth

Thank you so much for your time! your videos are great, when i saw the sleep paralysis video yesterday i was really stunned. It’s another piece of the puzzle falling into place for me. I have experienced it myself maybe 10-12 times or more, and you are absolutely right, It is caused by demonic presence, and through extensive occult research and or occult practices you are inviting them in. I have gotten rid of it now as I have found the Jesus who helped me through that difficult time in my life. Even though I’m still committing sins it’s not of the same nature..

– Zimple

I really love your channel and it changed my life…..especially sleep paralysis thing!
I was being chased by those deamons and even seeked help but nothing ever helped me except Jesus him self.
I used to be on occult forums and UFO searching so that was probably my problem….and I thought it was just a nightmare but than they were getting more and more intense and almost everyday activity.

– Slavko

during my quest for truth, after a good late night research session, sleep paralysis really became an issue for me, almost visible to an extent(i know, sounds crazy), Definitely demonic(Calling out his holy name really helped). I came to the conclusion that even researching the enemy( the occult) can open one up to so many things. with that said, Jordan Maxwell’s practically been bathing in the occult. Angels? I Don’t think so!

– Ryan